Love Story: Shelby & Bryan

Love Story: Shelby & Bryan

Love Story: Shelby & Bryan. Mobile Image
20170216-_MG_1783 We sat down with another beautiful Wonderland bride to get her love story. Meet Shelby & Bryan, who were married February 16th, 2017. 20170216-_MG_1932 (1) When and how did you meet? We met in February of 2012 at local club called Round Up (Country Western Club). How long did you date before he popped the question? We Dated 4 years. How did he propose?

He proposed while I was at home watching Seinfeld with my sister Brittny. Which was perfect I always told him she had to be there and I wasn't expecting it. I knew he was going to propose just not that day.

Where were you married and how did you pick the place?

Lake-Side Ranch in Inverness, FL My in-laws actually found the place for my sister-in-law but she wanted to get married somewhere else and it was perfect for us.

What theme and/or colors have you chosen for your wedding and why?

Rustic/country Navy blue and pewter grey it went perfect with the venue and I love blue. The actual reasons for color was so Bryan could wear his Brown shoes I got him, haha.

Where did you go for your honeymoon?

We just got back from our Honeymoon in Naples.

Why did you chose Wonderland Bridal for your dream dress?

I saw someone I knew went there.

Share your experience about your time with Wonderland Bridal. 

I was a truly awesome experience I felt so special being the only bride there at the time all the attention was on me both of the lovely ladies were extremely nice and helpful They listened to what I wanted and could really helped me decide on a dress they knew what I wanted. I would recommend to every soon to be bride to go there. It was amazing I got to have all my favorite women there we even face timed my grandma was I was all jacked up it was amazing.

What was the best part of your wedding day?

I think the best part was our first look we got to have our parents and closet friends there for such a loving moment Bryan cried it was so cute.. besides that marrying my best friend of course.

Any advice to future couples currently planning a wedding?

Dont stress about the time line and making sure everything is perfect Relax and take a deep breathe everything will fall into place. Things will go wrong but you wont even remember the bad with all the love and family around you. Dont forget to enjoy all the moments in the process.

Wedding Photos by: Vitor Costa

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